Basic data visualization skills! Is your graph garbage? Use Trifecta Checkup to check the graph in 3 steps!

3 min readAug 26, 2021


Re-examine your charts and data with Trifecta Checkup

Many people have the misconception that presenting data in a graphical format is data visualization. However, the focus of visualization is more on “effective information transfer” to help the reader quickly grasp the situation. Whether it’s better understanding of product linkages, industry overviews, the impact of new strategies, etc.

Data visualization has been an important skill in recent decades as it can handle a variety of difficult problems.

Trifecta Checkup method to check if the graph is good or junk!

Q:What is the QUESTION?

You must first ask yourself, what is my problem?
What is the event I want to analyze?

D:What does the DATA say?

What can the reader know about what my data says?
In fact, what is my data trying to say?

V:What does the VISUAL say?

What does my vision show?
Is this the right way to present it? Is it good?

If any of the three questions above seems a bit stuck or unanswerable, you may need to go back and re-examine the chart. See if you have “good data, bad charts” or “gorgeous charts, but you don’t know what to say”. Let’s make a convincing data visualization chart together!

Trifecta Checkup method to check if the graph is good or junk!

Let’s take a look at the Trifecta Checkup example

The following picture is an example of the telephone data of 311 in New York City, USA. We can see that this is a very beautiful chart, and the data has been properly processed and collected. However, it is not clear what problems we are trying to solve or what issues we are trying to address, and the visual presentation is very confusing and does not give us a sense of focus.(detailed information source)

telephone data of 311 in New York City, check if the grpah is good or junk

Although it is not necessary to use Trifecta Checkup data charts, but at least make sure your data is presented without errors before publishing!

Image source is news:忙中有錯 國民黨同婚民調圓餅圖出包

The picture above is the Taiwan news screen, the wrong chart information tries to mislead the public. The poll question posed in the graphic is “Do you support changing the law to allow homosexuals to get married?” In order to mislead the public, the 43% disapproval rate was inflated.

Let’s make sure your data is presented without errors before publishing, otherwise it will be a big joke.




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